
Depth Psychotherapy

We all have feelings at times that “something is missing.” We want to ignore the feeling because it is uncomfortable or empty. We explain to ourselves that it is a bad day because the kids are acting out or work is too demanding. However, a time may come when a person has the desire to find that “missing piece.” This becomes a motivation for entering therapy.

There are many things that could trigger this motivation:

  • Sadness or loss connected to divorce, other relationship issues, work issues, financial worries, parenting challenges, child leaving home, an aging/ill parent, etc.
  • A feeling of unfulfillment in daily life and an inability to specify the cause
  • Negative feelings about your body or negative behavior patterns
  • Difficult life transitions

The motivation for seeking help could be a doorway. It may be a doorway to finding the “missing piece.” I believe every person is unique and is searching for a way to feel whole. Because of this belief, I do not have a “cookie cutter” approach to treating clients. I work from an eclectic and psychodynamic viewpoint. I believe all of your experiences are connected, whether they are from childhood, young adulthood, or adulthood. The work is to find the missing or hidden pieces together. I offer connection, support, experience and authentic curiosity.

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