
The Circle

There is something powerful about a circle of people. Think of a circle of children singing in school, a circle of drummers, a circle of dancers, a circle of story tellers around a campfire, or a circle of people holding hands around an ill relative. When people come together with a shared vision, magic happens. When you have a space in a circle, you are an equal part of the whole.

Mid-Life Women’s Groups

Mid-life is one of the most pivotal times in a woman’s life. There are layers of personal issues such as:

Physical Issues

Menopause and the end of fertility
Body changes

The Social View of Aging

Being the “invisible” woman
Changes in relationships


Past choices and desires
Re-defining what aging means

I offer the opportunity to create the space for a circle of women to come together and explore this challenging and exciting phase of life. We will utilize different modalities such as art and writing in concert with the group process. By sharing these experiences with others, we will move toward embracing the next stage of life.

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